Dry Sifting Screens and Boxes are an effortless way to quickly and cleanly collect your resin and trichomes that have separated from your plant matter. Sifting screens provide the purest possible kief collection, as the multiple screens allow you to continuously sift out any contaminants from your herb. Popular brands like RYOT, 00 Box, Buddies and Bubble Box all provide a multi-layered, multi-screen wooden box that will do most of the work for you. Simply grind up your plant material, spread it over the top sifting screen and using a flat plastic card, repeatedly scrape your grinded herb back and forth over the screen. This helps to loosen and remove the trichomes from the plant, and is filtered through the top screen before resting on the screen below. This second screen allows you to further refine your sifting, and remove any leftover chunks of plant that may have fallen through. The last and final screen is where the fruits of your labor will end up, your powdered pile of kief is the purest possible, thanks to the multi-screen sifting and contaminant filtration. Aqua Lab Technologies carries a wide variety of Dry Sifting Screens and Separation Boxes to fit your individual needs.
Visit their website and buy direct today!
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