Gol D. Roller dedicates immense time & effort in order to offer an unparalleled experience. The beautiful art of rolling on full display, creating from chaos, an aesthetic & functional product that can either be consumed or preserved. The choice is yours!
Each weave is hand-crafted with extreme attention to detail. Every seam and intersection is carefully inspected to ensure a perfect burn once properly filled.
Impress your friends, create an intimate experience or ball out solo by packing up a custom weave & elevating the moment!
- Weave Composition:
50% Shine Gold Rolling Paper
50% Lowcloud Hemp OG (Flavourless) Wrap
1 Wood Organitip - Weave Length: 10 CM
- Weave Width: 8 MM
1 Packable Weave
1 Pre-Roll Tube
Follow all the latest Gol D. Roller Creative Rolling Videos on youtube with tips to learn how to make custom weaves yourself!